
autos planes and carryons

so i suck at keeping my blog up to date. but for those faithful few who come back to take a peek now & again...the central europe photologue (are you liking my word inventions?) continues...

In this episode we squeeze the bare essentials for 17 days into carry-on suitcases (that's right, we did good with the whole packing light thing! so proud...)

scramble out of our apartment to catch our ride (thanks Mack B) to LAX,

ride 1.5 hours into L.A.,

go through security, wait 3 more hours to board...

and we're off on our 10 hour 1st flight to the UK...

1 comment:

ChristyR said...

can't wait for more.

did you use a backpack or a rolling suitcase for packing light?